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(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, holy fuck, my entry for this jam also has stability pylons. Like I literally use the same term LOL.

Even incomplete, this is great stuff. Tho the Voidcrawl procedure worked well enough, I wish I'd known about depth crawls when I wrote mine 

Really looking forward to seeing this finished!


I suppose this means stability pylons have officially entered the Liminal Horror - Third party cannon, haha.

Glad you like it so far! I think the Voidcrawl procedure works well in most cases, but I really wanted to sink my teeth into the original format as provided by Gardens of Ynn.


Agreed. I'm already planning to run this as a duet!


Thank you! I'm excited to hear how it goes when you do it!


This is absolutely delightful. Can’t wait for the finished version!

Thank you so much! This is very motivating!